TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Thank You For The Talk TyTy

Thank You For The Talk TyTy

There's nothing really to rhyme
nothing comes out right
I just want to talk to you
feel close to you tonight

Look at the picture
of your resting place
look how beautiful it is
just like your precious face

It's spring training for the Cubs
you were my baseball fan TyTy
Watching the innings roll by
will only bring tears to my eye

Daddy helped me make a wreath
with your singing baseball teddy bear
I hope you like it TyTy
I think it looks cute up there

Ruth and Nicole are coming to see us
your favorite nurses TyTy
I think my tears will fall that day
I hope they forgive my cry

Daddy bought me an angel
it sits where you used to
Mommy had trouble making dinner
because when I looked back there was no you

You used to sit by the toaster
put your medicine caps in there
You would play in all the tupperware
that were filled with supplies for your care

I would turn around to see alcohol pads
spread across the cookie sheet
You would smile with your hand to your mouth
I tried to yell but you were just too darn sweet

So now when I turn around
from stirring that nights meal
your picture lay in an angel's arms
just a small way to help me heal

The house is quiet now
my hands are steadily still
I try to keep moving
I just dont have the will

So many days I was tired
but you always needed me
It's what got me up to every day
now there's no reason that I see

I wake up with the sun
but I also wake up with the pain
The pain of knowing you're gone
and the pillow filled with tear stain

I would do anything
just to see you smile or even cry
Feel your rough feet
see your big beautiful eye

I want to see your eyes peeking at me
as you try to not go to sleep
I want to lay down knowing you'll be there when I wake
and I wont drown in constant weep

It hurts to know you lay in the ground
It hurts to know you will never be here
It hurts to know you suffered
for two long and painful year

It hurts to know your brothers hurt
It hurts to see you only in picture
It hurts to know you will never play
and what time you did the pain you did endure

It hurts to know we will never be whole
and pain may be all we are swarmed in
but most of all my baby boy
I miss you. TyTy, the person