TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Deanne's Memory

This is Deanne. One of my best friends, and Drew's sister. Tyler always played with her. Acting like he didn't like her, but as soon as she paid no attention to her he would perform. I dont know that I could of gotten through the loss of Drew or Tyler without her. She is an amazing woman who has also lost a little one. Watching her live her life so bravely without Dalton is helping me try to live mine without TyTy. I admire her strength and courage to relive her loss to help me deal with mine. Here is Deanne's Memory

My favorite memory of Mr. Tyler is when I went to visit Peg. I finally was germ free, and I was so excited. When I came in the door he was right by the door, and as soon as I walked in he started scooting away from me. He took off like a bullet. He would take his one arm and pull himself across the whole floor. His bottom would push up in the air. Peg likened it to a worm. He crawled so fast to get under the coffee table, and then he just looked at me and smiled. I asked him, "are you hiding from me?" Peg and I both swear to this day he said "yes" and he giggled this very sneaky laugh. I fell in love that day with Tyler. I told Peg there is just something about your Tyler that is different from any other kid. She would always say, "Yes, there is. He is TyTy. He's just TyTy" I agree with your Mom when she says not many people got to see you as more than a sick kid, but that day I did. It was my most treasured memory of you.

Deanne (mommy's best friend)