TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Sara's Memory

With a 103.0 Temp Tyler enjoyed Sara, James (NA), and his family all day. He was so happy. I marvel at TyTy's strength.
TyTy on X-Mas day. The day he spiked, and the last day he would be home with us. Happy as ever. Hard to believe he was so sick.
Hugging a kitty cat Dylan and Brandon got him on X-mas Eve

Opening presents X-Mas Eve. He really got into presents this year.
Helping momma cook on X-Mas Eve, and home for the first time in months.
Thanksgiving 05' in room 88

I wont be able to update the site until next Wednesday. I will be out of town, but I have plenty more to post, and I hope people keep sending them. They are all wonderful. Thank you

This is Sara, TyTy's nurse, and as you read through her memory, you will see how much she was there with us during the year. She was there with us on every holiday. She was just one of the family. Sara is, by far, one of the sweetest people we have ever met. She has the same winning smile that TyTy had. The kind of smile that lights up the whole room when she does. The same smile that always made TyTy smile. He would "flirt" with Sara more than any other nurse, and that is saying a lot because TyTy liked flirting with his nurses.
The day of Thanksgiving, I'll never forget it. I was on one side of the crib and Sara was on the other taking care of the medical part of the day, and she tensed up and made a noise, she looked at me with such sadness and said,"I wanted to send him home tomorrow so bad Peg." I knew she did. I could tell. So many times I was angry at that place, and the life we had to live, but at that moment I realized it hurt the nurses to see our kids sick as much as it did us. Sara is an amazing nurse. That day was so hectic. Most holidays are calm, but she was running all over that day, so many kids needed her, and it was just a hectic day. TyTy needed a lot done that day so he was one of the kids who needed her alot, but she kept up with all of it. That night before her shift ended she came in and said, "I'm sorry it seemed like I was in and out all day, and I didn't take the time I needed to in here each time with you guys." The funny part of that statement to me was, I thought she did. I was thinking to myself how is she doing it? Running from room to room, and every time she made sure she asked if we needed anything, talked for a little while, then would grab a smile out of him before she went. I don't think I can EVER remember her leaving without going to TyTy to see if he would smile at her. He usually did. She did that for her patients. She has this light about her that just makes them want to smile. I think she is probably the best medicine any of those children can get, and she is also one nurse that you know, positively know, your child will get the best medical care they can get when she is their nurse. When she wrote me this memory Sara said oh you can reword, or omit whatever memories you want because I have so many. I have chosen to include them all, and leave it exactly how she wrote them. When I read through her memory, as with all of them, it touched me, but hers reminded me how much Tyler did make the best of his life. Like Dr. Goldman said, "It wasn't all for not." She reminded me it was not all bad the last year. TyTy did have good times, and they remember him that way. Sara attended his service, and she has been nothing but sweet and supportive since. The exact same person she is all the time. Tyler was truly blessed to have her be such a huge part of his last year. Sara captured in this memory the true essence of TyTy. As a mom, all of you know, there is nothing you want more than to see your child smile. Sara did that for Tyler. Thank you Sara.
Here are Sara's Memories. (un-cut)

There are so many days in the last year that I spent with Ty-Ty--gosh, I really miss him, as much as I disliked that he had to spend so much time in the hospital, he was so special and well things just aren't the same with him not around. I find myself some days, when I'm in some of the rooms remembering something about Ty-Ty from when he was in there.

My fondest memories are more recent, of his 2nd year birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. Unfortunately, Tyler had to spike on all of those occasions and I had the privilege being his nurse and taking care of him on several of those days.

I distinctly remember Thanksgiving--Ty-Ty was in room 88 and I had gone in there right away in the morning and Tyler wanted to play right away. I had to get him his meds and as I was just getting everything ready the nursing assistant told me, "Tyler spiked." I didn't believe him at first because usually when Ty-Ty spiked he would not be feeling as well and he wouldn't be smiling and wanting to play. I took his temp myself and I said, "Tyler, you weren't supposed to spike today--you're supposed to be getting out of here--remember we had a deal!" And to me saying that Tyler just laughed, I think because he knew that I had to be the one to tell you two and he knew how much I didn't want to have to tell you that he spiked once again. While you guys weren't thrilled that he spiked, Ty-Ty was in such great spirits and well he was laughing and wanting to play with his brothers and he just lit up when you all walked in. I know that you were once again stuck in the hospital for yet another holiday, but we made the most of it, didn't we--that day turned out really well...well except when the docs made me nasal wash him. But he always forgave me for doing something to him that he didn't want me to--usually by the time I left the room I would get him to laugh or smile at me--whether it was me playing peek-a-boo with his balloons or just being goofy. Making him smile and laugh was always my goal and well, Ty-Ty would always like to flirt with us--especially if he was sitting on either of your laps. I definitely was privileged to be his nurse and well I think he definitely reinforced to me what the true meaning of Thanksgiving, or any holiday is, and just to relish the time and your family and whomever you spend that day with...and Ty-Ty, as well as your family were my family that day and many days.

He was always right at home with you sitting on either of your laps and well the days that you couldn't be there, he always made us know that he deserved some sort of attention and no our work didn't come first. He had me wrapped around his little finger because he knew that I would always bring him out to the desk either to sit on my lap, or to sit beside me in the stroller while I charted if he was in his room by himself or I would go in and play with him or we'd rock. And boy would he let me know when he was mad at me for leaving him alone--even if I was trying to be sneaky.

In the last few months he really liked to tease me and throw things out of his crib or stroller or the wagon with that sly little grin on his face, knowing that I may not have been paying full attention to him at first and when I went to pick whatever he threw down he immediately knew that he was definitely going to take all of my attention.

At Christmas time when I was able to send you out the door for Rich (because I was so scared to take you that day for fear of him spiking a temp) and unfortunately greet you when you came back. I was so disappointed that you were back, but I was so overjoyed to know that your family had such a great Christmas and just the response of Ty-Ty when you carried him onto the unit, he was just smiling and in such a good mood, so I know that him being able to get out was part of that...even though we had to readmit him. Ty-Ty was a very special little boy and I know that you have one special angel shining down on your family forever.