TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Big Brother Brandon's Memory

Sharing his valentine suckers with TyTy
The first time Brandon held TyTy
The first and only time TyTy was in public. On his 2nd birthday at Godfathers in Iowa City

This is Brandon, Tylers Second big Brother. I let Brandon say what he wanted, and I just typed as he talked. Out of everything and everyone Tyler loved his big brothers the most. Brandon was so good with him. He took care of him like a second dad. Taking away things he could choke on. I remember one time he corrected me for sitting TyTy too close to a plastic bag. He said Mom that is a choking hazard. Whenever Tyler got sick, the boys knew what to do. Brandon would get the thermometer. Dylan would get the blood pressure machine and they would hook him up while I called or emailed Steve to let them know he had spiked. One time Tyler was so ill and I was trying to decide what to do, and Brandon says mom I will wipe up his puke you write Steve, he will know what to do. He would always help me with Central line changes, and in the last days before the last hospitalization it was Brandon who would wipe Tyler off when he puked and stooled, while I was on the phone with Dr. G. He would wipe him down and say it is ok baby. I think the part that hurts the most is that these three boys are separated. That is one thing I'm most proud of in this. Through all of this these three boys could of been jealous of each other, or get mad because of the attention one was getting but none of them did. These two wanted their brother to live and fight and they gave up so much. I'm proud of all three of my boys. Whether on earth or in heaven, I'm proud of the love they have for each other. Here are Brandon's Memories

I liked it when I got to hold TyTy for the first time when he was just born and we were at the hospital. He was really small and I got to kiss him on the head. I couldn't wait to get my baby brother home. I wanted to hold him all the time.

My most favorite memory of TyT, my most favoritedest memory is when we took him some place for the first time. He was in the hospital but we got to leave. It was his birthday to a pizza place. We never got to go into stores because there are germs that can hurt TyTy but on his birthday we went and ate pizza and he ate pizza. Babies cant eat pizza. TyTy did. TyTy was special. He gots lots of presents and he was really happy. We had fun.

Sometimes it feels like TyTy is punching my heart because it hurts really bad when I can't see him. Mom said when I grow up to be a big person my heart will only have a scar like when I wrecked my bike and you wont punch my heart so hard.

(Gets excited) One more memory. When you were acting like you were gonna puke (laughing) on Dylan to make him say EWWWW. You would make a BLAK sound and Dylan would say gross and you would laugh really hard. (Laughing) That was funny. Really funny TyTy

I hope you got my Valentine TyTy. Are you bouncing on the clouds?