TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Kathy's Memory

This is Kathy, the Child Life Specialist, and one of the most important people to the kids on the Bone Marrow Ward. She comes in and plays with them, sits with them during procedures, and provides one of the biggest smiles to them. Words cannot explain to you how much she helped this family, and the other families at UIHC. She does an amazing job, and it pays huge dividends to those kids. With two other kids two hours away, it got very hard at times to be in two places at once. In trying to get two kids switched between babysitters, and school activities,work, there were many times, we could not be there with TyTy. Kathy would come in and play with him, and if she couldn't she would always arrange someone to come in and sit or cuddle with TyTy. One time she told me he was laughing so hard for her, and I remember feeling so good knowing he showed himself to someone. He was so shy and hidden in the hospital. I was so happy she got to see him that way.
Kathy will do anything to get a smile out of the kids up there, and she usually succeeds. She would stop in everyday to make sure he had the right toys, and he would always be excited when she would bring in a new one. He liked the farm she brought in so much she gave it to him for X-mas. His last X-mas. Kathy also made sure the siblings were taken care of too. She would take them or arrange for them to be at the activities, and when Santa came it was always for all three boys and not just Tyler. She would come in and ask when and if the boys were coming so she could plan ahead and always leave color books, and activities for them to play to keep them busy. She would help them wrap presents for the holidays. Mothers and fathers days presents, to make the kids feel like they were getting to do everything "normal families without sick kids" (Kathy and I agreed many times there are no normal families) got to do.
I will cry through writing this part, Kathy was there with us most of the last two days when Tyler was passing. While we decided life and death decisions, she would entertain the two boys, they made keepsake boxes for Tyler and books about Tyler. The boys still have them, (they are boys so this is a huge thing) the boxes sit on their dressers, along with framed handprints Kathy also helped them make of TyTy's hands when they had to leave the day before he passed. Kathy never stopped with the kids either, so many times I would feel a hand rubbing my back and I would turn around to find her behind me. The day TyTy passed she was there to witness his baptism, and she also made (this is so hard to write) the most beautiful handprints of TyTy. They are more than the regular handprints. They are 3d. You can hold his hand. They are by far the most amazing and beautiful things I have ever seen. Sometimes late at night I get those down and I can place my finger between his fingers just like he liked me to do when he was here. Kathy does it all. She is there for the kids, the siblings, the families. Without Kathy, I know, without a doubt, our stay, and TyTy's life wouldn't of had as many smiles or reinforced strength to get through the rough times. Kathy is an amazing woman who goes beyond her job so she can help the families on BMT. TyTy, and his family, are so blessed to have had her in our corner, and in our hearts. Here is Kathy's Memories

I remember when TyTy was really young and he wasn't sitting up yet. Kirsten, from Music Therapy and I would sing to him and he would laugh and smile- but he always wanted to be on Mom or Dad's lap!

I remember how sweet Dylan and Brandon always were to TyTy- always looking out for him and including him in what they were doing.

I remember TyTy wanting to see what was going on all the time! He didn't let anything pass by without taking notice.

I remember when I walked in the room and he absolutely wanted nothing to do with me and then next time would play!

I love remembering the pictures and seeing how much fun he had at his birthday party even though he was so sick the very next day.

I remember Ty Ty as being the boy who absolutely made everyone smile :) !!!Love,Kathy