TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Rebecca's Memory

This is Rebecca, Tyler's NA. Wow, there is so much I can say about Rebecca. So many nights she would be in our room playing with Tyler, laughing with Bob and I. We really felt like she was a friend. Tyler loved her. No matter how grumpy he was she could always make him smile. There were so many memories this family holds with Rebecca, but I remember her the most in the last weeks of Tyler. She made her way to the PICU both times Tyler was there. She talked to Tyler while he was on the vent, she talked to Bob and I for the longest time, and shared some pain of her own. She came in the day he went to sleep too. She kissed him on the forehead and tears were just falling out of her eyes. She has also sent us the sweetest bookmark, and cards since his passing. I know it sounds so cliche' when I say this was his favorite person, etc. but all of this is true. Tyler loved these special people so much. They were his extended family. These were the people he could interact with, with being in isolation for two years. Rebecca could always get TyTy smiling. My favorite is when she would pinch his cheeks. The cheesiest grin would come on his face. The one thing we all hold close is the week before Christmas, none of us, including doctors, knew if we would be home for Christmas or not. So we were trying to make the best of the situation, and we set up a tree in Tyler's room. Rebecca came in to visit that night, and commented on the tree, and she said she seen an angel that would look good on it. The next day we went out for dinner, when we came back on the table sat the angel she told us about. So we helped Tyler put it on the tree only Tyler didn't want to leave it on the tree. He wanted to hold it. I have pictures of him trying to reach for the angel. Now it seems... It is just special to us. Every year that angel will remind us of her, and that night. A night in which we stayed until 2 in the morning, we were having so much fun with him. It was the first night of the boys' Christmas vacation, and the last night we all were together when he REALLY felt like enjoying life. I dont know if Rebecca knows how much that angel has come to mean to us. Rebecca is an amazing person who we all miss so much right now. Again, another person who we will NEVER forget, and who was such a HUGE part of making TyTy's short two years worth all the pain he endured. Here is Rebecca's memory.

I will never forget what a happy guy Tyler was, especially when mom and dad were there. I loved walking into his room to squeeze his cheeks; I'll never forget the grin I would always get and it seemed like he would get embarrased cause mom and dad would see him "flirting". And also when mom and dad were gone how he'd be fine until you walked by and he'd start crying to get you to come in the room and when you'd walk in he would give you the saddest cry and throw his head back like saying "please please come pick me up". I got so attached to tyty and he will be in my heart forever. He truly was a special little guy. Rebecca