TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

What They Didn't Get To See/No Germs In Heaven

What They Didn't Get To See

I look at these pictures
you were so onery
I see your sneaky smile
oh the trouble you would've given me

I smile when I see
all the trouble you got into
and that's at the young sick age
of only a short two

The cookie package laid on the table
you ate four on your own
You let me scold your brother
You smiled...I should of known

The pringles you dumped on the floor
Brandon took the time out for that
All the while you played on your piano
Sweet TyTy wouldn't do that

The exercise tape you ripped up
momma never used it so it made sense
I sent Dylan to his room before I seen
Little TyTy wrapped in the evidence

I had a soda on the table
there was no bottle I could see
Dylan did you drink my pop
Mom it wasn't me

I walk through the house
caffeine fix that I can't hide
There sits little TyTy with the bottle
and now his eyes open wide

I caught you didn't I
You gave me that same sneaky smile
I snap the oh so cute picture
you thought you were in trouble for awhile

That was your way though TyTy
our yells for you were always mute
You had this way of making your trouble
looks so gosh darn cute

There you were making pizzas with dad
Brandon lending a hand too
when I asked who dumped the flour
your hands raised...of course it was you

What is the mess surrounding you TyTy
you do your champion salute
you knew I couldn't yell at you then
because you knew you were cute

Cereal all over the floor
I said Tyler they are at school, it was you
You look up and give me that smile
Now how could I yell at you

Dylan wanted to watch spongebob
he yelled until he had a sore throat
the channel kept changing to the food network
there sat you playing with the remote

Most never seen this of you
now all we have is picture and memory
Oh how I long for you to be here
causing trouble and keeping me busy

No Germs In Heaven

Momma is sick today
sore throat aching head
before this would of been a problem
now I just lay in bed

I don't have to wear a mask
worry about the germ to you
no precautions or lysol
no worries of who will take care of you

Germ X is nowhere to be found
I can cough and touch anything
no harm will be done to you
no consequence to my sneezing

No sleeping on different story
Any part of the home is free
there is no protective bubble for you
the germs can pour off of me

My throat hurts and my body aches
I can touch anything and do what I need to do
Just another devastating reminder
that heaven has you