TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Nicole's Memory

Most of you know I've asked for memories of Tyler to be sent, and I will post them along with pictures as they come. If you would like to send one and didn't know about this please do to dbrpm@frontiernet.net or dewytink@yahoo.com . This is from one of Tyler's favorite nurses.( he had many). Nicole was with us the day he passed away, and has become such a strong support for this family, but more importantly she took WONDERFUL care of our TyTy for two years and then on that day he passed, she was so gentle with him, and took great care of him. I'm glad she was with this family on that day. She holds such a special place in TyTy's heart and a special spot in ours as well. Here is Tyler's Nurse Nicole's favorite memory. Thank you Nicole.

This would have been roughly May or June before TyTy turned two. I had assigned one of my nursing students TyTy. She was nervous about taking care of him, because she had never had such a young patient, and asked me to come in with her. When I walked in, TyTy gave me his little half smile to say, "good morning," but then craned his neck to see who was behind me. When he saw somebody he didn't know, I saw that devilish gleam of his cross his eyes, and he started screaming bloody murder. I looked at him, said "TyTy, knock it off! You know me, and she's here to play with you today." TyTy immediately stopped screaming, but still pouted at me for spoiling his fun. I turned around, and my student was literally standing there with her jaw dropped. I couldn't help but laugh, and I said to her, "he's just being two, you know-- he's just messing with you!" I don't think she was prepared for that much scheming out of such a little guy!

I have one of my own, too. It was a busy day, and TyTy was alone most of the afternoon. We had left his door open so he could at least see us, but he was getting crabby about what he felt was a lack of attention. I was trying to talk to him as I was working at the desk, right across from his room, but I guess in his book that still wasn't enough. I heard a strange rattle-like noise, peeked over the desk to be sure everything was ok, couldn't figure out what the noise was, decided TyTy looked all right, and continued my work. Pretty soon I heard the noise again. After a couple more times, I kept watching to figure out where it was coming from. Pretty soon I saw TyTy take his bottle and run it along his crib railing like a prisoner with a tin cup, all the while looking my direction expectantly! I have to admit, though, his scheme worked. I was laughing so hard, I just couldn't leave him in there alone any longer!