TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Steve's Memory

This is Steve, Tyler AND Dylan's PA. Also known as our "go to guy". We've known him for roughly ten years, throughout the course of their treatment. Dylan's yearly appointments will be followed by him as well. One paragraph will not sum up what Steve was to TyTy, or this family. Not enough can be said about how hard this man works, and how much he becomes a part of the family. Behind Bob, Tyler's brothers, and I, Steve was the person who knew TyTy best. Through the last two years, I truly believe he cared for Tyler, and in today's hospitals, you just don't get that when you go anywhere above nursing. There were so many times he would be due home, and you would see him on the BMT Ward at 5:30, 6:00, checking in with patients to make sure everything was okay, or to give them test results. So many times I would look over when the doctors were talking, and he would be rubbing TyTy's back. The one thing I picked up on is when they would examine TyTy, most doctors or consults, would leave his diaper open, and walk away, Steve would always fasten his diaper, button his outfit back up, and put his blanket back on him. Just something a mother picks up on. Without Steve, the Bone Marrow Ward would fall apart. He is the glue that holds it together. When you are a patient, your trust waivers so much with the staff, but Steve is the one person, we truly trusted with TyTy's life. Even the day TyTy went to sleep, it was Steve who kept an important promise, and helped us decide what was best for TyTy. He has also answered Bob and I's many questions afterwards. He knows every inch of his patients. Between Drew, and Steve, I have such a respect for the three letters PA-C. He played the most important role in TyTy and Dylan's care. Here is Steve's Memory (Note: He is an efficient guy, so he can sum up what he wants to say in few words, unlike me.)

My best memory of TyTy was him sitting in you or Bob's lap, and smiling from ear to ear. My favorite outfit was his bomber jacket.