TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Amy's Memory

Nurse TyTy in the house!

Amy was another one of Tyler's favorite nurses. She was one of his main nurses in the last few months of his life. She was there for alot of good times, and many of his hard days too. She also has been supportive since his passing. I want to say this, in all truth their duty to TyTy was done the day he took his last breath, but none of our nurses have treated it that way. They came to his service, which is many miles for them. They have all wrote or emailed, or offered to listen when we need an ear. I've even written back and forth with many of them. They dont have to do that, but it shows you the care they had for TyTy, and the quality nurses, and PEOPLE they are. Amy was also one of Ty's favorites. There was a bunch he loved and adored. Amy was one of them, and she has been through alot with us during TyTy's last months. She holds a spot in our hearts. She is a wonderful nurse, and we, especially TyTy, were blessed to find that out. Here is Amy's Memory

My favorite memory of Ty-Ty was one day after I heplocked him and you took him for a wagon ride. After he got back from exploring the hospital he refused to get out of the wagon and was being pulled around the BMT loop several times clutching his bag of chips. He stopped for awhile to talk to Sara and me and at that time decided to reach in his chip bag pull out a chip and act like he was going to eat it then dropped it over the side of the wagon onto the floor and start laughing. Then he reached his hand back in the bag, looked up at Mom, looked over at Sara and me, all with his mischievious look on his face, and dropped the chip on the floor again and started laughing.
Tyler was always full of smiles and could always make you laugh. I loved to sit there and cuddle and play with him when you guys weren't there.