TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Nammy's Memory

I think everyone knows who Nammy is. This is Tyler's Grandma (my mom). Sundays were known as Nammy day to my kids, especially Tyler. They always look forward to her coming. We still have Nammy day, but now we can only talk about you Tyler. Today we looked through your pictures, and talked about all the memories. Nammy misses you alot Tyler. Here is Nammy's Memory.

My most precious memories of Tyler are my Sundays with him, when Tyler was at home I would go up and spend the afternoon. I would ask Peg " What can I do? I will do laundry anything you need" normally all she would need was " just play with Ty ma, while I get his meds ready or some other task usually dealing with Ty's care. Sometimes Tyler would be on his blanket in the middle of the floor I would greet him and his return greeting was a huge smile and flapping his arms, nothing sweeter to this grandma.
I would sweep Ty up in my arms and off to the couch we would go. We would start out just talking I would hold him up on my left arm and he would grap my necklace never pulling he just liked to hold the stone that hung from it. I would tickle and cuddle, make faces and giggle at each other. When Tyler start doing his " dirtly old man laugh" I couldn't make him laugh enough. Sometimes we would play with the favorite toy of the time, he had a music guitar that he really liked later it was a telephone that talked back to him.
Soon we would both be getting sleepy eyed so I would put him down in the bend of my arm and prop my arm up with my knee sitting sideways on the couch and Tyler and Nammy would drift off to dreamland feeling safe with each other. What a wonderful feeling when I would wake up and the first thing I would see and feel was Tyler laying there so warm and sweet.
If his tummy had been doing well there was sure to be a snack I remember the time mom had ran out of the favorite cereal, and he couldn't understand why every piece didn't taste right so he would take it out and lay it on my chest. Thank you TyTy that is what nammy needed. Peg and I both laughed so hard that day I think he thought we were crazy.
When it was diaper changing time as Tyler got older he hated it more so as Peg would be doing the dirty work I would lay down by his head and try and keep him happy, sometimes I failed at that and he was one mad little boy. He got to the point he hated being messed with. Time ususally flew way too fast and after spending some time with the big boys I had to leave. There were several trys at getting to the door it was always so hard to leave knowing that it would be a whole week before I would see them again or if Tyler was having a bad day that he might be in the hopstial before the week was up. I have so many happy memories, of Tyler as I am sure everyone that was able to spend sometime with him does. Yes he was a special little boy.