TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Jenn's Memory

The memories are pouring in. Keep them coming! We love reading them! TyTy would love to know he touched so many people. He was so special, and I'm so glad other people see it, and hold it close to them. Thank you to those who have written. I will post one a day.

This is Jenn, by far TyTy's favorite person in that hospital. She would come in, and it was like Bob and I weren't there. If he was laying down, he would want to sit up, and if he was sitting up he would get in some pretty flexible positions to see her. During the later part of his stay she worked in another area of the hospital, but she came to visit him many times. It was TyTy, and Bob and I's good break in the day when she came in. She was excellent at her job, and it was never the same once she left, but she would come in, and it was like talking to a friend at home, and TyTy just loved her. He had alot of favorites up there, but TyTy had a big, special spot for Jenn. If he would of been older I would dare to say crush. Jenn, has also been real supportive since TyTy's passing, one that has written several times, and has been nothing but wonderful to us. She is the sweetest person we have ever met, and sometimes I think that is why TyTy liked her so much. She was just so easy to be around. In the hospital TyTy was never himself, even on good days, he seem to clam up, and not feel comfortable, but I think she made him feel comfortable. He liked having her in his room. Jenn is another person who will just never leave our hearts. We know she was in TyTy's. Here is Jennifer's Memory.

I have fond memories of Tyler. When I use to go in to clean his room, he would not keep his eyes off of me. Tyler always made me smile. I knew to always clean his room very well, because he would watch me just to make sure I was doing it right. He liked it cleaned a certain way! :-) Another memory I have of Tyler is one day when his parents were out for the day. I went in to clean his room and he looked lonely. So, I decided to sing him the ABC's and whistle to him. He loved attention and I liked giving it to him. He was such a sweet boy and I am happy I was able to get to know him.