TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Matt's Memory

All hooked up. O2, CVN, Pulse ox, and BP cuff.

This is Matt, Drew's brother. Drew was my heart. We lost Drew to Lymphoma two weeks before TyTy went to sleep. He was a PA-C, and my first go to guy concerning Tyler. Matt and I became close friends through Drew and Tyler. Matt would tag along with Drew, and he became a strong support for me, but he was the one friend of mine who would get down on the floor, and play with Tyler. Tyler would pull his hair, and Matt would act like he was hurting, and Tyler would laugh. Matt has been a wonderful support for me in the last weeks. Tyler always looked to Matt as his most favorite buddy when his brothers weren't around. He was the fun guy who came to play. Thank you for giving him the smiles you did Matt. Here is Matt's Memory.

My favorite memory of Tyler would be the day I went with my brother Drew to help figure out the new blood pressure machine. Drew would put the cuff on his leg, turn around and go back to the machine to figure out why it wasn't reading. The cuff would pump up, and we would all wait for the reading, only to hear a loud error reading. Drew would go over and see that the cuff had pumped too high and fell off his leg. Drew and Peg spent the next fifteen minutes trying to get the cuff to stay on every time it pumped up. Each time they would put it on they would turn to look at the machine. They couldn't figure out why the cuff kept coming off. Drew happened to look back while waiting for a reading, and he seen Tyler taking the cuff off. Tyler looked up and seen Drew looking at him, and he knew he had been caught. Tyler smiled like a devil and laughed out loud. I've never heard a laugh like that out of a child. Drew and Peg laughed at him, and it seemed to give him satisfaction knowing he had played them the way he did. I've never been around kids that much, and I was always taken aback by how smart Tyler was. He knew everything going on around him. The last memory I have of Tyler is how attached he was to his mom. Drew was holding Tyler trying to give Peg a break. Peg fell asleep for ten minutes at the most. Tyler played with us fine while his mom slept. We played with his toys and even had smiles from him, but as soon as he seen she was up, his arms reached for her. Once he knew she was awake we were no good to him. He started to cry, and when she walked over and took him from Drew, he smiled making sure we knew he was the boss. My brother would have more memories, but I know the one he would probably tell is the exact same thing he always told me. Even when Tyler didn't feel good, even when he (Drew) didn't feel good, Tyler always found a way to make him smile. He called him Tiger because he would growl at him. Drew would walk in and Tyler would growl. It was their hi. Drew felt privileged one day when he (Drew) was not feeling well, and Tyler looked up at him, and then handed Drew his favorite blanket. His dad speaking at his service said it right. Tyler could make even the coldest person smile.