TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Heaven and Earth Are Too Far Apart/On Begging Knee

Heaven And Earth Are Too Far Apart

I don't know what to say today TyTy
the words and rhymes aren't coming to me
the pain has become too unbearable
and there's just no hope for us to see

Dada and I are apart now
there's no reason to keep in touch
you were the glue that held this family together
I don't think you really knew how much

Dylan asked to be with you
I said you needed him here
The words that come from his mouth
have me in another fit of fear

Brandon has another lump on his neck
I hate the thought of being in that cancer ward again
I know you are an angel now TyTy
can you make sure this don't happen to Brandon

Every corner sits a picture
your smile shining back at me
without you here to love on
mommy gets so lonely

Everyone is gone now
your brothers have grown in two year
they say they are pre teen and don't need me
always a mommy's worst fear

They've learned to do things on their own
they were forced to because we were gone
sitting here without you, Drew, or daddy
life is slowly and painfully moving on

I look at your picture
and I have this urge to reach in and grab you
pick you up and shake out the giggle
touch our noses and tell you how much I love you

Tears fall out of my eye
I don't even know they are there
sometimes I'll look at the clock
I've spent fifteen minutes in a blank stare

I guess I'm talking to no one
my words slice in thin air
I turn to say "right TyTy?"
you're still not there

I want to believe you are watching over me
but momma's faith has left her skin
I want to believe you're in the arms of an angel
but now I feel it's all crap I believed in

They say its just a step
everyone questions in tragedy
I hope it's also okay
that I'm a little angry

The words just aren't the same
when I'm not seeing the face of you
days are so damn lonely
when they aren't filled with you

This house is full of emptiness
I feel a constant weight in my heart
I need my little buddy in my arms
TyTy, heaven and earth are just too far apart

On Begging Knee

Give me a giggle
please one more to go
one more clutch of your hand
before you're an angels glow

Please TyTy?
one more laugh in air
one more smile
stuck in my stare

TyTy one more time of seeing you
crawl across the floor so strong
flash me that sneaky smile TyTy
when you know you've done something wrong

Give us both one more chance
to say a better goodbye
give us just one more time
to see your beautiful blue eye

One more echo TyTy
of you saying momma and dada so clear
the halls here are so empty
without your babbling sounding here

I would even settle for a cry
then I could hold you and make it okay
give you your blanket and bottle
chase your tearless cries away

Please TyTy please
even if angel wings travel earth's mile
I know it's selfish to ask
just let me hold you for awhile

Please someone, anyone
I'm down on begging knee
it hurts too bad to live without him
please, please bring my TyTy back to me