TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It Hurts/Mommys should be able to fix everything

It Hurts

Little blue eyes
looking up at me
a sneaky and precious smile
left only for memory

Your rough skin touch
Your puffy finger grip
I try my hardest to feel you
you're right on my fingertip

Your contagious giggle
followed by a little squeal
I don't think the broken hearts left
will ever have the strength to heal

Your tiny little butt
scooting across the floor
we wont lose our breath
laughing at the sight anymore

Your little button nose
snuggled against our cheek
I place my hand there
my heart beats weak

No more arms in the air
when we say champion
your fight has ended
you should of won

I'm staring into space
my brain holding onto you
trying to remember every thought
of your life I can hold onto

I imagine holding you
see you look at me
baby you were so gorgeous
full of life and personality

It isn't fair TyTy
heaven and god or not
you deserved to be given life
after how hard you had fought

Your chubby little legs
kicking in your sleep
immediately sends me to
a hysterical crying weep

TyTy I miss you baby
it hurts so damn bad
i don't even care if this rhymes
i want someone to give you back

mommys should be able to fix everything

mommy take the pain away
it wont stop hurting inside
time makes it harder
it don't matter how many times i've cried

please mommy please
take his heart make it beat again
i'll do whatever it takes
if you can bring him back again

can't you fix this
i want you too
i feel like a little girl
wanting to run to you

it hurts so bad mommy
i keep trying i promise
but every time i get up
i see all he will miss

bring him back mommy
i'll take his place
just let me pass him in the sky
so i can once again see his face

mommy its not selfish
i promise you
i don't need to feel him
i just want him to have life too

mommy make it go away
the pain i feel in my skin
make me forget the memories
the pain he lived in

please mommy please
i'll do whatever you ask me to
someone has to be able to make it better
you always used to

i know you would mommy
and i know you can't take this away
because if mommys could make it all better
he wouldn't of stopped breathing that day