TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Friday, January 27, 2006

In Pictures

In Pictures

I couldn't sleep last night
the last two years filled my head
I tossed and turned in your memory
I couldn't lay in the guilt ridden bed

Your beautiful face filled my heart
broken as it may be
but I found myself at three am
looking through all your memory

Pictures scattered on the floor
most of them in hospital TyTy
I sat on your blanket looking through them
Taking turns laughing and trying not to cry

I can pinpoint the days and times
I sit and wonder for awhile
you had a temperature of 104
how could you still smile

A day after surgery
an incision across your tummy
and there's the most beautiful picture
of you smiling with mommy

Four months off and on
we spent in Iowa City
most of your life was spent
away from home and most family

Yet I look through these scattered photos
and almost every one you are holding a smile
you are laughing and playing TyTy
I take comfort in that for awhile

Here is a picture so sweet
three IV's put in that day
you're blowing us a kiss
a kiss that was forever taken away

Mommy starts laughing
a picture of you making your scary face
you knew it creeped me out
you'd keep doing it to keep the smile on my face

Oh here come the tears again
sitting cute in your baseball hat
you'll never get to run the bases
or hold a much too big for you bat

Here is our favorite
your eyes grab my stare
your brothers would say champion
and your hands would go up in the air

You were our champion TyTy
we only wish we could be so strong
you left so much love and spirit
it will last us our life long

My heart breaks with the pictures baby boy
as I look through each and every one
these pictures are just a hint
of all you could of done