TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

TyTy's Lost Years On Stone

TyTy's Lost Years On Stone

I seen your picture on stone today
for the first time your smile broke my heart in two
I can see the life that enriched your soul
and now this picture on stone is all we have of you

There will be no first day of kindergarten
you will never come in with mud head to toe
I will never hear you say "but mom"
I will never see your little body grow

I wont hear you beg for a puppy
or see you ride a bike for the first time
there'll be no friends birthday parties
or even a tree for you to climb

Junior high will never be in your eye
no girlfriend to crush on
You'll never pick up a basketball
your chance for high school is gone

No class ring to give to a girl
No prom picture for mom to take
no chance to work on your first car with dad
no school night curfews to break

TyTy will never walk down the gym aisle
mom and dad will never see you grown in a tie
2020 will bring many diplomas to put in hand
but none of them will have the printed name TyTy

College will never see how smart you could be
there'll be no wife and kids to cherish and love
there'll be no career ladder to climb
no goals set to rise above

I seen your face on stone today
December 30, 2005 your last day
fifty years of life and memories for you
just unfairly taken away

I seen your face on stone today TyTy
I've prayed so much for my wish to come true
that somehow your mommy could fix this
and give the years you deserved back to you