TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Always On His Mind/ In Stone Forever

Ty's temp stone until the bigger one is paid off.

Always On His Mind TyTy

Hey mommy here is my homework
can you check it over for me
I had to make up questions and answer them
mom I'll read it to you it was so easy

If I was an animal
I would be a tiger but not in a zoo
If I was gonna be a crayon color
it would be blue

If I could have anything material
it would be a huge salt water fish tank
If I was a writer mom, with a little laugh
my paper would be blank

If I was on a deserted island
I would shake coconuts off the tree
I wouldn't share with Brandon
I'd just keep them for you and me

If I could change anything in the world
I would take away the diseases and pain
then no kids would be on the bone marrow ward
and they would never have to hurt again

If I could go back to one day in time
mom don't get upset and cry
but I would go back to the day
when you went to the hospital and had TyTy

In Stone Forever

There you are my precious TyTy
laid forever on stone
We're left only with memories
while you lay cold and alone

Your eyes are shining
they were always in a life filled dance
oh how you could of changed the world
if only given the chance

Your smile sparkles on the grain
in life it shined brighter
this stone doesn't show all you were
you were such a little fighter

There is your birth date
oh you were so precious TyTy
we were never more proud
then when we seen you in our eye

I see the end date on stone
the day after my birthday
the day you stopped breathing
the day you went away

There's the name we gave you
as we looked into your newborn eye
I never thought it would look back at me on stone
I thought you'd be by our stone telling us goodbye

But here we are instead
crying over your left beauty
a sad reminder we'll never see your life
and we are left with just memory

There you are on stone TyTy
it's final and the stone makes me see
I will never hold your warm spirit
you are never coming back to me