TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Promises Promises/Heaven Sent/It's Too Cold For You

Promises Promises

You're sitting on your blanket
watching the boys run by
you can't get up and run with them
but there's still a twinkle in your eye

Happy and content
just to see them play
you throw down your toys
then laugh as they get in their way

Everytime they would run by
you would look up at me with a smile
I always used to say to you TyTy
one day you too will run the same mile

Now I look down at the bare floor
no quilt laid out for you to lay
our dead hopes of our fight paying off
remind me you'll never run and play

My heart breaks for you
you fought so hard TyTy
I promised it would be worth it
I never meant to lie

The pain is unbearable
sometimes I can't breathe my way through
the times it hurts the most TyTy
is when I think of all you wont be able to do

We would always tell you when you'd cry
or when a procedure had to be done
keep holding on and fighting TyTy
it'll be worth it when all is said and done

We broke a promise to you TyTy
something we said we would never do
this is when it hurts the most TyTy
when we face all the lies we told you

Heaven Sent

Cards poured in
people from far and near
sent us beautiful verses and poems
thoughts and prayers in tear

Newspapers were filled with you
your beautiful smile in print TyTy
now everyone can see
the beautiful baby that filled our eye

Businesses made decals
put a little halo over you
you're an angel on their window now
even at stop lights all of Iowa can see you

Flowers and plants poured in
teddy bears on all the vase
I wish you could see all who care for you
all who treasure your precious face

Home health care sent you balloons TyTy
you know like they always used to
they always put a smile on your face
they did us this time too

People are leaving beautiful things
on top of your resting place TyTy
even with all the snow baby boy
they still stop and tell you hi

It's all for you TyTy
you were loved by so many heart
it didn't matter they never seen you
or that we were all miles apart

No one is forgetting you TyTy
our love for your memory will never be bent
you were too special to fade away TyTy
you truly are an angel that heaven sent

It's Too Cold For You

It's cold in this house today TyTy
it has been for many day
your dada and I get chills
even the heater wont keep them away

We thought we were getting sick
nothing has shown up for now
goosebumps plague our grieving skin
we want to feel warmth but don't know how

Chills run up our spine
our lips are shivering too
the furnace says it is seventy four
where's all the heat going to

Maybe my thoughts are true
we don't deserve for warmth to be found
We are sitting in a warm house alive
while you are buried in snow covered ground