TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Rocking Chair In My Dream

Rocking Chair In My Dream

You're a little fussy TyTy
let's chase away your tired weep
Curl up with momma
let me sway you to sleep

I run my fingers through your hair
caress your chubby little cheek
massage your little arms and legs
the steroids have made them so weak

I start to hum your favorite lullaby
you snuggle up into my chest
You look up at me as your little eyes
try to fight their comforted rest

You hold your hand up
and you give me that sneaky smile
the one I know means
Momma I'm not sleeping for awhile

You stare at me while you drink your bottle
your favorite blanket tucked underneath your chin
slowly but surely your tired eyes
lose their battle and start to give in

I rock you back and forth
in the hospital rocking chair
don't make a sudden move
and keep caressing your hair

Your eyes slowly drift off
and I look down on you lovingly
I study your precious face
and I smile as you cuddle into me so sweetly

Nothing feels better TyTy
than you curled into me
I could stay like this forever
if life would just let me

It is the perfect little moment
or so it did seem
my weary eyes open and cry
it was only a dream