TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Holding Onto Heaven/LoveEtched In Stone

Holding Onto Heaven

Your pain lingered
never quite left your skin
we prayed each night
you wouldn't give into heaven

your courage soared
but the pain never let go
we prayed you could hold on
and the white light wouldn't glow

we watched you suffer
selfish may of been our mind
but we just couldn't bear
ever leaving you behind

so now we talk to you
knowing it was too hard to hold on
you fought so hard baby
and now the fear and pain is gone

we are proud of you TyTy
proud and admiring in every way
from this moment on
only health fills your day

we know the pain was tiring
your strength was always on display
we didn't want you to suffer
our hearts just wanted you to stay

we know you were tired
we were tired too
it was okay to let go sweet one
the stars in heaven now hold you

Love Etched In Stone

Today we trusted someone else
to handle your resting place with care
momma and dada's heart realized
we would go home and you wouldn't be there

You were spoke of in the past tense
encouraged to speak of your left memory
all momma could think in her heart was
you were supposed to be with me

We looked through your pictures
talked about how happy you were
my heart tried to will you to my arms
so I could stop this mourning stir

We placed all the pieces in order
and with pained tears running down our face
we poured our undying love into stone
and into your final resting place