TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Little Brother Bubba

I prayed for you every night Tyler
looked to the stars and begged you would stay
but then mommy and daddy called me
and said heaven was taking you that day

My chest started to hurt
and my eyes started to cry
My tears fell on your chubby cheeks
my little boy heart couldn't understand why

Mommy and Daddy's tears fell to the ground
Although for us they tried to hold them in
but I knew their hearts were hurting
and in the same pain I was in

I said my goodbye to you Tyler
Did you hear me Tyler? I really hope so
I know you were sick and hurting little brother
but I still didn't want you to go

There have been lots of visitors Tyler
Phone calls are pouring in left and right
and when they all stop and we're alone
I can still hear mommy and daddy crying at night

The house is empty Tyler
there is no little brother to entertain
our smiles don't come anymore Tyler
without you there is too much pain

Mommy and Daddy are trying hard Tyler
I can tell they want to cry all day
but they are trying to stay strong for us
but their pain just wont go away

Mommy and daddy say you are in heaven
they say you are looking down on me
I hope one day I will see you in heaven
until then I'll try to be happy with just your memory