TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Your birthday in the sky TyTy

Happy Birthday TyTy! We miss you so much and wish you were here to feel our hugs and to tell you how much we love you and are proud of you. We LOVE YOU sweetheart. To you and your birthday in the sky
This is beautiful to me. I cried when I got to the house and daddy showed me he had gotten this for you. You always had your finger in your mouth and to me this looks so much like you TyTy. This is absolutely beautiful... Just like you.
Like I said you always had your finger in your mouth just like the statue. Usually when you were nervous or... I just realized I'm talking to you like you can hear...

All your presents. You got Flags, balloons,(Nammy got you Thomas the train) stuffed animals, hot wheel cars, (you were three you got to play with them this year) a water star, a golden angel, a bench with an angel on it, a plaque saying a poem for you, and our favorite a little boy curled up with his fingers in his mouth. Just like you used to do. You always had your finger in your mouth.
My heart wishes this was you sitting in your high chair with cake all over your face... This is beautiful to me.

Daddy Bob getting all the balloons handed out after everyone laid their presents down.
You loved balloons TyTy so we made sure you got to play with balloons on your birthday. Yellow for your favorite color. We all let one sail to you. We've done this before and it is always interesting to see where they go. Which ones float all the way to you and which ones disappear and which ones hang around. I hope you are having fun with them TyTy. Your birthday in the sky
The gang cooking hot dogs again.

Daddy, Dylan, Brandon, and Erin cooking marshmellows around the fire. Dylan was so sad the whole night.

First of all, I want to thank a few people who helped us get through this very rough day. We want to thank everyone who thought of TyTy on his birthday, and send a huge hug, and tearful thank you to: Ruth Hesseltine, Nicole Alcorn, Richelle Stineman, Steve Rumelhart, Jim and Gladys Free, everyone who came to the house the night of his birthday, those who left gifts on his stone, to all my friends who honored him on Tuesday afternoon. We thank you for thinking of our TyTy.

We pondered over what to do for his birthday, but we decided on a weinie roast with family. The day was rainy, dark, and gloomy. I would say you were crying, but I know you knew it was your birthday, and it is the one day that no matter how bad you felt you were happy. I know they weren't your tears falling. During the day I went to my mom's and decorated cookies and made mints. My mom held me up this day. I thank her with love for that. She let me cry, but also kept me busy. Just what I needed. When I finished at mom's we went to the house to a tear jerking moment when Bob pulled out this beautiful little boy statue (up above) that looks so much like Tyler it brought me to tears. With the fire going, we all went to his stone at the beginning of the night, and let off balloons, his favorite yellow balloons. We sat down balloons and gifts for him, and yelled Happy Birthday TyTy as we let them go. After many tears and hugs we headed back to the house where we cooked fruit pies, hot dogs, and marshmellows on the fire, and cookies and mints for a snack. After the family went home your dad, your brothers, and I watched the video of your last birthday. It was quiet with the scattered laughs and cries. Dylan cried himself to sleep that night missing you. I look at the pictures of your stone and through the rain and balloons your face is sticking out, and Tyler I can't help but think that should be you in your high chair surrounded by the same stuff only we can see your smile with our own eyes as your eyes sparkle with your smile. Sometimes I don't know if we are doing enough to keep your memory alive, but then Joe reminded me of something. You were so special, and left such an impression I don't need to remind people not to forget you. The cards, letters, and emails proved that he was right. You left an amazing impression on us, but you left the same impression on all those who came in contact with you. So many people were thinking of you that day Tyler. You were two years old... You were on this earth for two years... but you left the memories in so many hearts that equal more. You were our angel on earth TyTy. My words wont come out right now. It hurts. Happy Birthday in the sky TyTy. We love and miss you dearly.