TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Monday, August 21, 2006

calling my baby angel

calling my baby angel

i don't want to forget you
pretend you were never here
but it hurts too bad baby
when i drown in the tear

and the tears start to fall
whenever i look at you in picture
think of all you could of been
all you had to endure

see i dont want to forget you
but it hurts too bad to remember you
i feel awful inside of my heart
for feeling the way that i do

i don't want to forget your touch
but it hurts too much to miss it
i want to see your arms reach for me
but it hurts and i want to forget it

see tyty the hardest days come
when i stop and look into your eye
and it's a little easier to wear this smile
if i can just walk on by

i feel guilty for even thinking it
let alone putting it into words to see
i don't ever want people to forget you tyler
but it hurts to speak of you in only memory

i don't want to forget you existed
my heart don't want to put you away
but mommy is crippled with the pain
i can't even get through a day

i don't want to forget you tyler
i don't want to get used to living without you
tell me how i can hold you in my heart
and still manage to live without you

i don't want to forget you tyler
can you help me find a way
to still hold onto all the memories
and not cry and ache my day away

i love and miss you tyler
i don't know how to move on
i don't know how to love you
and live with the fact you're gone