TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Happy Birthday Angel TyTy

There are three post for his birthday. Below are pictures from his two birthdays. The first birthday was at home and the second he was in the hospital but got to leave for a few hours. They are out of order and I apologize for that. There is a written post at the bottom of the pictures Look below for more pictures and a poem. Hugging a card from his favorite housekeeper Jenn. He would watch her every time she came in and she sent him this card and he would always act like he was hugging it. It was so adorable.
You fell asleep in the hosptial cart on the way back. You were so precious TyTy I miss you so much. I hope Heaven's birthday party for you means as much as that day did for you and for us. It is a day we will all hold as the most special day of our lives. My heart misses you so much
Look how happy you are TyTy. It's so hard to believe that just two short months later you were taken from us
Getting ready to go to Godfather's. We put you in the hospital cart with all your presents. You were so happy to get out of that hospital. So happy to go in public for the first time outside of hospital trips. I miss you so much

This is one of the pictures we have blown up and put on our living room coffee table. This sums up the day for you. All smiles. Those slippers are from Brandon and you were buried with them on your feet.
Beautiful simply beautiful
The light that comes from your eyes and smile erased the GvH that took over your body.
This picture is so adorable. Nothing made your daddy and I feel as good as seeing this smile on your face. You really were a ray of sunshine.
You were so sick but so happy. This picture makes me tear up because the happiness in this picture is so much what we wanted for you for more than two years. You are so beautiful.
This is my favorite picture of you boys. You were always happy around your brothers. You all three had such a good day that day. I am so thankful for that day for you.
More sprinkles. Handfuls would go into your mouth. You really liked them. lol
Racecar driver TyTy. We buried you with your steering wheel and your Jeff Gordon hat. You loved that stirring wheel.
You were always trying to be silly. lol You always made us laugh. Looking at this picture I can say you still do. I'm cry and laughing all at the same time TyTy. I miss you
With your cake and your stirring wheel. You loved that stirring wheel.
Each birthday we celebrated of you there were family pictures. Here is one of them. You can see the steroids were at a high dose with you cheeks. My little chipmunk.
Our last family picture. Our last but our best. I love this picture. You are so happy in it. I look at this picture and I hope with all my heart we gave you the best birthday we could.
You rbig beautiful eyes and smile. You were so happy that day.
Eating your sprinkles again. Your chubby little hands. I miss them so much.
Look at your food filled face:) You had sprinkles on your ice cream. You ate so much that when you started vomiting that night we thought it was from that. I wish it was because you got real sick that night.
Eating Pizza at Godfather's. You ate so much that day. You liked Taco Pizza. You loved Thomas the train too.

First of all I want to thank everyone who has been so supportive through all of this. Ruth H, Nicole A, Rebecca M, Susan Grosclaude, (I will reply) Carol Kauffman, Jenn Terrock, to all those who think about Tyler whether it be when you walk in the hospital or going through your day. Thank you for thinking of our precious baby. These next few months are gonna be very very hard on us, so we thank you all for your support.
I've got three post lined up for his birthday. I tried to limit the pictures because the post couldn't handle them but I think I got enough up for people to see how special those days were. I've got a poem from one of his favorite nurses and our dear friend who is like family to us, and I couldn't come up with the words that Tyler so richly deserved so I posted a song my mom, his nammy, gave me and it says everything We want to say.
Before I go I have to say something to Nicole, another dear nurse and friend of ours. We had looked forward to taking Tyler home on his birthday. Deep down I always thought Tyler would get through this, but with Drew being a PA- I also knew the reality of the long stay in the hospital meant he wasn't getting better. I guess by his birthday I knew this could very well be his last. I wanted him home, and the Pa and Docs tried really hard, but every major holiday from his birthday on he spiked a fever, and his birthday was no different. We had to have his last birthday in the hospital. I was crushed. I wanted so bad to make his last months mean more than hospital. The doctors said we could take him out on pass. We lived so far away that wasn't doable. I threw a tizzy and was upset. Bob and Drew sat me down, and said look at what is important. Bob called Godfathers and set up a time, and an enclosed area to keep him away from germs. He took control that day. It still wasn't enough. I wanted to give Tyler his home for one day, I wanted his last birthday to be at his own home. Nicole was our nurse that day, and she went above and beyond to make sure that day was good for us. The night nurses had put up signs for Tyler. HUGE signs for him on his window and his door. Nicole came in with her smile to keep Tyler smiling while I acted like a baby myself. Once the doctors said we could go out, She got his meds on schedule to maximize our time out, and offered us the school room for cake when we came back. Tyler had never been outside of his home, or the hospital, but that day he got to go to Godfathers. (He knew it was his day too). She went out of her way to make sure he had a good birthday and made it possible we could. I was so upset, and she let me rant, and cry, and then as we were leaving Nicole came up to me, and gave me this huge hug, and said something that changed how I looked at that day, and now I'm so thankful to her for that. She said, Try to Enjoy yourself, Enjoy the day. Enjoy him Okay? I half smiled wishing I could take him home, but as I walked out of there, and Tyler got this huge smile on his face just knowing that he was king for the day, and he got to leave I realized he doesn't care about home. He cares about being with us, and getting a break from the hospital, and Nicole's words stayed with me that whole day. I watched Tyler smile the whole time we were out. Laugh and giggle at his brothers, eat like a little pig, and even though we were in a tiny little room in a strange pizza place hours away from home, I seen he was happy, he had the the time of his life literally. I thank Nicole for letting me see what is important, so I could give him what he needed so bad, and so I could enjoy watching my little baby do what some of us lose sight of. Enjoying family and the little things in life. He felt so icky that day but enjoyed every second of it. I admired my son that day for doing what I couldn't. I thank Nicole for letting me see that. To this day, we all look back on his birthday as the last day we got to see our Tyler. The night of his birthday he became really ill and never really recovered. In and out of surgeries, spiking very high temps, and altho he kept his smile and his happiness, he never was the same. We look back on that day as the most special day of our lives. I hope you can see in the pictures how happy we all were to be together again. How happy he was, and how happy that made us. That day will always mean the world to us and I thank Nicole for being with us on that special day, and helping us make it special because it truly is the last day we held with our TyTy with no fear of losing him. Everything left that day, and she made it possible. Nicole was also there the day TyTy said goodbye. Again, she was amazing to TyTy and our family. Another amazing woman I admire.
I'm sorry this is out of order, as well as the pictures, but my thoughts are scattered, and my heart can't stop hurting long enough to concentrate on anything. This song is for TyTy because my words just can't get out what I want to say to him. I love you Angel TyTy and We miss you so much...


I wanted you for life,
you and me in the wind.
I never thought there'd come a time,
that our story would end.

It's hard to understand,
but I guess I'll have to try.
It's not easy,
to say goodbye.

For all the joy we shared,
all that time we had to spend.
Now if I had one wish,
I'd want forever back again.

To look into your eyes,
and hold you when you cry.
It's not easy,
to say goodbye.

I can remember all those great times we had.
There were so many memories, some good, some bad.
Yes, and through it all, those memories will last forever.

There's peace in where you are,
maybe all I need to know.
And if I listen to my heart,
I'll hear your laughter once more.

And so I've got to say,
I'm just glad you came my way.
It's not easy,to say goodbye.
