TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Happy Birthday Angel TyTy

This picture... No matter how I held you- you always would grab for my fingers and you can see that in this picture too. I miss this. Most people would think it is silly but i miss feeling your little fingers holding my finger. i can still feel the puffiness from the steroids on your hands. i miss you tyler.
Your little Jeff Gordon hat. You were so happy that day. Your first time in a public place and you had been feeling like crap but you were so happy that day. The last day in my head that I remember you being yourself. This day is what we all seem to hold onto.
I never thought this picture would be your obit picture. Though it should hurt to see it this picture shows me what you were made of. This was my TyTy. Happy through all the pain. More strength than everyone around him combined. We are so proud of you.
Happy birthday TyTy. We are missing you and hurting as we don't get to see you on your special day. We will celebrate your life although it was short but you were
Your big present. A jeep that you loved to ride in. The boys would push you around the house. You loved it. Brandon would have your head pushed back from the force and you would be LAUGHING so loud. I really miss you.
You are by far the most adorable little boy. Your eyes still catch me every time I see them. You were truly an angel on earth TyTy.
Brothers always there to help you celebrate.
I love this picture of you and Grandpa. It is my favorite. You both look so happy in it. Your hat makes the picture. lol Digging into your cake lol
Cake time. It was your favorite part. lol I think your smile proves it.
All your balloons. You loved your balloons.
Opening your many gifts. You were so spoiled and you deserved it all.
Look at you! How cute are you with your birthday hat!
The blanket nammy gave you for your birthday. You loved it. We still have it with your things.
The smile that kept us all going through all the bumps in your road.
You always seemed to know when it was your birthday. No matter how bad you felt you were happy that day. You knew it was your day. You are absolutely adorable TyTy.

You really dug into the cake. lol It was your favorite part.