TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Five years without you

Your Walk To Heaven

It was quiet and still
tears dropped onto you
There was no time to wonder
how we would live without you

With your fingers around mine
Caressing your face in hopes of soothing
I prayed for a miracle
my hope was all that was moving

Your eyes stay closed and still
there was no pain that we could see or say
you already looked like an angel
even before you slipped away

Twinkle, twinkle little star
came from our mouths and through our tear
the moment of having to let you go
was growing more and more near

Small little breaths and then none
you fingers slowly let loose their hold
My baby's heart slowly gave way
and his little warm body went cold

We told you we loved you
and I still held you so damn tight
but I knew I was gonna have to leave
and my baby wouldn't go home with me that night

We sang to you some more
told you how proud we were of your fight
Two years we watched you battle
no bigger man had such might

Holding you for hours after
it was too damn hard to let go of you
but I knew the time was coming
and it would be the last time I would hold you

I wouldn't let you go
I screamed for them to let me keep you
I knew deep down I couldn't
it's all I knew to do.

I gathered myself to say goodbye
leave you in that hospital room alone
the pain was overwhelming
more pain than I've ever known

I walked out with my arms empty
my mind on permanent roam
I had to walk you to heaven
but turn around and come back home