TyTysway~~Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile

TyTy, Your time here was short, and your body may of been small. you couldn't even take a step, but you left the biggest footprints of all. Poems and written memories from loved ones.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Our Littlest Angel

This is how I want to remember you. Always trying to make everyone else feel better. We love you and miss you so much TyTy. Thank you to everyone who still thinks of TyTy.

Our Littlest Angel

Merry Christmas from heaven
mommy and daddy I'm here
There was a long line of babies
but we've all completed our first year

I can see you down there
I watch Dylan and Brandon play
sometimes I can sit on my cloud
and watch them all day

I've seen you too mommy and daddy
I know you have been crying for me
I try really hard to hold my hand out to you
but I don't think you see me

I can see the lights on the trees
I know it is Christmas time again
I can see you trying to be strong mommy
but I know you're holding the pain in

I know you feel like I'm gone mommy
but I'm really not that far away
I walk with you inside your heart
I'm close to you every day

We celebrate in heaven too
the stars get brighter in December
you used to always say I was your star

Daddy I can see you
there's still reason to believe
I will wait for you daddy
but it's not your time to leave

I talk to you a lot daddy
I don't know if you hear
I just want to tell you I don't hurt
and I think I'm supposed to be here

Dylan the oceans are big
and that's a wish on a star for you
I'm gonna hang around up here and wait
for the day your foot touches the ocean blue

Tell Brandon I got my wings
thank you for ringing the bell
I had them before he rang it
but mommy please don't tell

I can see bubbas miss me
I follow them too
Dylan and Brandon you got the playstation*giggle*
Sorry mommy and daddy I'm a brother too

I'm giggling mommy and daddy
can you hear?
I know you've missed it
since I've been gone this year

I know it seems like I'm far away mommy and daddy
but look up, I finally made it here
It's okay to hurt mommy and daddy
it's okay to cry some tears

I better go mommy and daddy
Michael wants to play cars with me
he always tells me what to do
who said angels weren't bossy

Merry Christmas mommy and daddy
Dylan and Brandon too
I'm gonna be with you the whole time
I'm the spirit inside of all of you

I know I'm not there for you to see
and I know you want me to be
But I promise I'll never make you walk alone
do you believe me mommy and daddy?
Christmas is coming mommy and daddy
make sure you smile for Dylan and Brandon
every time they smile my tummy gets warm
don't ask me why but it's how it works in heaven

On this Christmas Eve mommy and daddy
when you take a look at the lighted tree
Know that when the angel comes to bless you
This year the Christmas angel will be me